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Lettering with Personality
Introduction (1:22)
A Little Note:
Warmup Your Drawing Hand
A Quick Warmup (5:48)
Lettering Intro
What is Lettering?
The Breakdown of Letters
Lettering Overview
Calligraphy vs Fauxligraphy (4:08)
The Standard Lettering Styles - My go-to's
Additional Lettering Styles
How to Use the Worksheets (2:30)
What is San Serif
San-Serif Lettering Exercise Uppercase
San-Serif Lettering Exercise Lowercase
What is Serif
Serif Lettering Exercise - Uppercase
Serif Lettering Exercise - Lowercase
What is Slab Serif
Slab-Serif Lettering Exercise - Uppercase
Slab-Serif Lettering Exercise - Lowercase
Lesson 01: Let's Talk Layouts
How to create a layout (4:22)
Using Vintage Designs as Layout Reference (7:21)
Using Vintage References for Layouts Demonstration (7:53)
Exercise: Create your own Layout Grids
Bonus Content: Grids
Determining what should be emphasized.
Lesson 02: Adding Personality: Contour Line Drawings
Contour Line Drawings (4:28)
Contour Line Drawing Exercise
Contour Line Time Lapse Video (2:16)
Lesson 03: Mixing Styles
Mixing Print and Cursive (14:40)
Upper and Lowercase
Coming Soon!
Lesson 04: Playing with Highs and Lows
Playing with Highs and Lows - One Word
Playing with Highs and Lows - One Word Shape Method
Highs and Lows - One Word Method Exercise
Playing with the Highs and Lows - Applying to Phrases
Playing with Highs and Lows - Phrase Exercise
Lesson 05: Using Shapes
Using Shapes - One Word Method
Using Shapes - One Word Method Exercise
Using Shapes - Phrase Method
Using Shapes: Phrase Method Ex. 1
Using Shapes: Phrase Method Ex. 2
Lesson 06: Give it Some Emotion
How Does Emotion Affect Your Lettering?
Final Project: Create a Sticker Using What You've Learned
Create a Sticker Design
Video: Thank you! (0:45)
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Bonus Content
Adding Flair
Bonus Exercises: Putting it all Together Worksheets
Exercise 01: A Horse of Course
Exercise 02: Night at Moonlight Manor
Exercise 03: More Ice Cream
Exercise 04: Cabin in the Woods
Exercise 05: Hey Home Slice!
Exercise 06: Cool Beans
Exercise 07: Holy Cannoli
Slab-Serif Lettering Exercise - Lowercase
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